Personal, social and emotional development
Learning to work, play and co-ordinate with others as a group beyond the family. This involves personal, social, moral and spiritual development as well as building self confidence and self esteem. Friendships do develop during these Early Years both with children and adults.
Communication and language
We focus on your child’s communication skills encouraging them to express themselves through a variety of ways in communicating. Staff are encouraged to communicate on the same level as all children and ask questions open ended encouraging children to provide their own experiences and opinions. Children learn through repetition and activities are focused around this including reading, singing, counting and building.
Problem solving, reasoning and mathematics
Achievement is through practical activities and play (floating / sinking, full /empty) and shape recognition as well as building, singing and counting. We encourage counting and learning to recognise numbers by using coloured counters and games involving number.
Knowledge and understanding of the world
We encourage the development of knowledge and understanding of their environment, other people and features of the natural and man-made world. It is developed through exploration of resources such as natural materials, the outside world, visits to local parks and lots of communication from adults for children to copy from, such as loading the washing machine.
Creative development
Encouraging creative imagination and the ability to communicate, to express their own ideas and feelings in creative ways by exploring materials with different textures, being encouraged to play in messy activities with the use of paint brushes, sponges, fabrics, body painting and other creative resources showing their own mark making techniques.
Physical Development
Developing physical control, mobility, awareness of space and manipulative skills, in indoor and outdoor environments. Establishing positive attitudes towards a healthy and active way of life.
The indoor space that Rainbow House provides is well suited to this area of learning as rooms are open planned and very spacious providing room for movement including the fine and gross motor skills that children learn about as well as their awareness to space.
Outdoor play is a great area for physical play and we have a great facility both secure and safe for Children to explore their movements and each others space awareness.